Sunday, November 8, 2009


Such a powerful word.

I notice that when some women speak of a woman they don't particularly like, they refer to her as a whore and sneer showing their disdain for such a person.  Having been called a whore, myself in the vanilla world, and in my beloved chocolate chip world,  I raise an eyebrow the comment.

Why is a woman's sexual self called into question and judged when the issue at hand has nothing at all to do with her sex life? Why are people...why are women, so threatened by other women who exude even the smallest bit of sensuality?

Why is it so wrong to be a whore in one world, and so right to be a whore another?


Pygar said...
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Pygar said...

Pygar has left a new comment on your post "Whore!":

The dictionary definition of a whore is someone who engages in sex for money. In this context though I think it is being used more like the term "slut" - as describing with negative connotations a sexually promiscuous woman.

I wrote about this here.

Why is it regarded often positively for a man to be sexually promiscuous but negatively for a woman? No - don't write me a long sociological essay - it is a rhetorical question! But I'm sure you get my point that there is a gross unfairness here.

There is also great unfairness about how "whores" or prostitutes are regarded. I have a very good friend who is an "escort" - a posh name for whore - and another who is proud to call herself a whore. In their real lives they are not sexually promiscuous but at work they are. They should not be condemned for their choices. They are independent women who do it through choice.

There are many other prostitutes who have been forced into that work through abuse, pimps, drug addiction and debt. They deserve the support of society not condemnation.

So if you are described as a "whore" dear Dragonfly. Smile back at them and reclaim that word. Accept the description with pride and look down on those who dare to try to insult you in that way.

P xxxx

Loving Sub said...

Ahhh, the delicious feeling of being an outright, albeit monogamous whore... I look forward to having that feeling again.
I miss you my friend. I've posted. Come see what's new.
Love always and forever,

Paki_Master said...

I apperciate all you submissive women.


Anonymous said...

You know, i've wondered this myself a lot, especially when I hear women degrade each other, as if they can think of nothing worse so they throw out the word 'whore', thinking to incite the woman offended into some kind of wild frenzy, to justify her own disdain. Personally, if someone called me a whore in a derogatory way, sneering and looking haughty, i'd be more likely to think she saw herself as that, and wished to disassociate herself from it so she threw the word at me.

Meaning, it's more likely you call someone whatever strikes you as the worst possible thing to be, something you yourself are accused of being. Whatever hurts you the most is what you throw off on others.

I suppose a whore wouldn't be the worst thing t be called, like Pygar says, they probably mean it more as a slut, and that seems to me to be more of a reflection on their own low selfesteem. Sad, but not really offensive.

Curly's Deals said...

There is nothing wrong with being a whore. do you have a pic I can put up on my blog?
