She is such an amazingly beautiful human being, and offered me a place in a world that meant everything to her. She took that risk, and she trusted me, and in that, she gave me the most precious gift any one can give, love, and I love her.. more than love her.. adore her....
I hope she knows that I know what she offered me, and I hope that she knows how much I appreciate her gift to me then, and everyday since.
MJ, You are an amazing woman, and I truly love you. Thank you for giving me a soft place to lay my head when troubled. Thank you for always being my friend and being my sister. I strive to be worthy of your love, I truly do. You have impacted me and my life in so many ways, and I hope to one day sit and tell you all these ways. No matter where I am or what I am doing I know I can reach out to you and you are there, thank you for that....
I love you so very much...